What if one woman’s life could be transformed by just knowing that she is loved?
When everything in her past whispers that her name is “Failure” or “Worthless,” what if she could know the truth?
She has value.
She is beautiful.
God loves her deeply.
Recently, members of the Omega Espresso Bar team served some of these very people who are in need of love and life-altering truth. Seeing those needs face to face catapulted us forward and sharpened our vision. We seek to create a safe place for those who are searching for a different and better future.
In the fall of 2015, we worked with the Union Gospel Mission (UGM) in Portland, Oregon USA to serve at their main outreach. We spent time in the heart of the city and met men and women who sadly call those streets “home.”
UGM’s annual Operation Overcoat event gave us a chance to serve hot cups of coffee to those waiting in line for dental care, lunch, and clothing. We spoke with women who brought their kids to get warm coats and socks for the chilly winter months out on the street. From donations made to UGM, they gathered sleeping bags, hygiene products, and simple comforts for protection from the elements.
Their needs are simplified on the streets, but their desire is the same as ours: to be loved and cared for.
What if?
What if they saw the love behind what they’re given?
What if it changed their lives, to be full of hope and to achieve self-sustainability?
Gathering downtown on a cold December night, we got another chance to witness the difference that love makes. Working with Transitional Youth, we set up a tent to serve food to kids who live on the streets. What a huge impact on our hearts…
Twice a week, Transitional Youth sets up tables in downtown Portland and serves a catered dinner to anyone under the age of 29. No matter what, everyone needs to eat and to be reminded that there is hope.
We played with little ones whose mother was in-between living arrangements. Seeing their beautiful faces asking for more cookies has stuck in our souls.
Kids should be cozy in their jammies, tucked lovingly in bed after a story. But right now, these kids are living in a bleak story that will shape their future.
What if?
What if we were able to work alongside women who desire a different life?
What if those whispered lies they hear were muted? What if they could be caught up in the sweet music of hope and love?
We get to journey alongside these women, bearing a simple cup of coffee, and helping to change that phrase from “What if?” to “Wow!”