We at Omega Espresso Bar are planning all the details of our 2019 Women’s Benefit Luncheon, taking place on May 18th.
There is the menu to choose: Done!
Linens to rent: Done!
Most importantly, guests to invite: Done-ish…
There are, of course, benefits to being at our Benefit Luncheon. We get to share about our mission with you, in person. You are a vital part of it. Move closer in, with us.
We are passionate about our non-profit’s mission and we know you are too!
The Omega Espresso Bar team sets aside this time in the spring to gather our friends around us. We pause to sit around a table with you and your friends. We get to share what’s been going on. We want to give you a taste of the life change taking place right now in our interns.
Each week, Omega Espresso Bar spends time with women who come from fragile situations. We bring them hope through a paid internship. We bridge a gap while they gather courage for their new lives and essential skills for their next jobs.
Also, we’ve broadened our impact. There are exciting updates and new partnerships. At our luncheon, we will tell you all about them.
It’s going to be a sweet time, filled with conversation. There will be delicious food served by some pretty swell guys. And, an inside scoop: there’s going to be chocolate.
We are excited to share this time with you. Wanna join us? (Also, did we mention there will be chocolate?!)
We’ll save you a seat, but you’ve got to let us know you’re coming. Send us an email now:
See you on May 18th.