Lost In a Destructive Family Dynamic

Sad looking child
At the age of 13, she had already lost both her parents, but she was lost in the destructive family dynamic long before her teens.
A violent father, an addicted mother who was murdered by someone that was supposed to protect.

Foster Care.

Unwise teenage decisions.

But her story isn’t over. 4 years later and there are healthier decisions, and a plan to change her future. Now is the part of her story when OmegaNW is connected, and when your impact enters into the story.

We are all impacted by something; a story hits right to our soul because we relate from experience, or we are dumbfounded by a situation that we can’t fathom.
The story of OmegaNW was birthed from both.

Hopeful looking woman
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By joining Grit and Grace, you are part of a community of givers committed to the cause. You become one of the team walking side by side with OmegaNW interns, giving them the hope and resources they need to succeed in rebuilding their lives.
