When I met Susie Cottis and Janna Kainos in 2016 and learned about Omega, I immediately knew that this was going to be a special partnership.
They shared their vision and their hope with such vibrant passion and compassion that I knew every participant’s life would be hugely impacted and blessed. Susie and Janna are making heart investments that move women from hurt to whole and from pain to peace as they learn and experience Christ’s heart for them.
This impact is illustrated through the OEB mentorship process where they invest their time, speaking life and light into lives once overcome by darkness. Through the OEB barista training, each intern finds purpose as she taps into and/or discovers her skills, talents, and abilities.
Yet, Omega’s mission isn’t just about helping women find work. It’s about helping them heal.
Through my own work as Director of Community Relations for All Star Labor & Staffing, I encounter people with a “moment before.” They come from points of crisis in their lives. They seek hope through employment and opportunity—desperate for a second chance to pursue the life of their dreams.
It’s not about being defined by one’s past. It’s about partnering with God and his design for the journey ahead.
Like Omega, our All Star team meets with people where they are. We do it with this in mind: we’re not offering a hand up or a hand out but rather a handshake. It is a partnership, where we pair their gifting with opportunity. Through that process, we see even more opportunity, whichs grows and becomes something beautiful.
Through the Omega internship program, Susie and Janna offer women an opportunity to walk in the power of their purpose and experience victory. OEB speaks the truth in love, partnering with God to transform lives.
I was so eager to partner with Susie and Janna to support this ministry. When they asked me to join Omega’s board of directors, I answered with a joy-filled “Yes!” I feel honored and blessed to support their efforts as they endeavor to impact the lives of women in desperate need of second chances. I believe in the heart and mission of OEB. I am inspired by their unflagging faithfulness and dedication to see women walking redeemed.
Susie and Janna may be two “bring yo’ fiyah” powerhouses but they need our help to continue mentoring and ministering to their OEB interns. With February being the Month of Love, I invite you to join me and the board in coming alongside Susie, Janna, their mission, and their passion. Many lives are depending on our support. We love because He loved us first!
You may contribute to OEB here.
Through your contribution and your prayers, we can help Omega cast an even wider net in the year ahead and show many more women that they too are loved, valued, and worthy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something beautiful and life-changing!
With love,
Lenanne Miller
Omega Board Member