Editor’s Note: This article is the second in a series written by the members of Omega Espresso Bar’s Board of Directors. Each one will be answering questions or sharing why he or she is committed to playing a vital role in Omega’s story as it unfolds.
OEB: What’s your part in Omega Espresso Bar’s story?
Brandon: I play the role of being OEB’s accountant, bookkeeper, and financial consultant. It’s not very glamorous, but it is an essential part in keeping the organization healthy.
OEB: How does your experience in public accounting impact the women OEB is called to serve?
Brandon: I’ve had the unique opportunity over the past four years to work closely with dozens and dozens of companies, including non-profits similar to OEB. Over time, I’ve gained detailed insight into their processes, internal controls, bookkeeping methods, and financial statements. It allows me to provide my clients with sound financial advice through analysis and sharing of best practices.
I bring this experience and knowledge to Omega Espresso Bar, to help with finances, processes, break-even analysis, industry trends, and more. This is a role performed in the background to keep OEB financially stable so that we can have a working coffee shop to serve these women.
OEB: What do you see as the future for OEB?
Brandon: I truly think that with enough prayer and seeking of the Lord’s will, one coffee shop is just the beginning.
Can you imagine how many women we could bring to Jesus, equip them with life skills, make them feel more loved than they thought possible, and propel into the workforce if we all prayed, trusted the Lord, and worked our tails off? Honestly, it’s pretty scary, in a good way.
By our loving and serving these women, the Lord will change the world.