Second chances and do-overs are the opportunities to heal old wounds, recover from past mistakes, overcome overwhelming regret and take hold of those precious moments. Then we can FINALLY forgive the wrongs done to us, admit the wrongs we’ve committed against others and learn to forgive ourselves in the process. In these moments we learn that no matter how hard we try, we’re not perfect. Despite our very best efforts, we discover that we are fallible humans. As we begin to bend and crack from the pressure that we put on ourselves to ALWAYS do right, be right and look right we’re forced to accept the very simple, sobering truth that we won’t experience that or any other level of perfection this side of Glory. In the meantime, practice makes progress NOT perfect, and THAT’S OK because it’s these “Fresh Starts” that allow us to stretch, grow and embrace being and becoming.

I love how Lamentations 3:22-23 says that His mercies NEVER run out, they NEVER dry up and that they’re created EVERY morning! Great is His faithfulness! This means that EVERY day God gives us a NEW BEGINNING…where there is space for grace as we take on the challenges and victories that come our way. Each day is a springboard to healing and wholeness. It’s also an opportunity to be transparent, real and raw. Being and becoming can be messy but if we have grace for ourselves, we’ll find that we are a beautiful mess and we’re loved by The Author and Perfector of our lives who’s not surprised by any of it. God’s grace is sufficient and will ALWAYS see us through!

Omega NW offers a new beginning for women who are desiring a fresh start. They come to Omega because they recognize that the way they use to do things no longer works. The kind and capable mentors of Omega NW come alongside these brave women and show them that they are more than conquerors and “that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Roman 8:37-38).

This ministry is about showing these women who they are in Christ and that their past doesn’t define them. EVERY hill and EVERY valley they have traversed, EVERY misstep and EVERY mistake along the way has lead them to this life-changing moment where they will see that ALL of that pain had a purpose. For such a time as this, God has made a way out of seemingly no way. He has made provision for them through this powerfully precious ministry that so beautifully reflects His heart and His character.

As we brace ourselves for the pending Holiday Season, will you consider making a tax-deductible year-end donation to Omega NW? These monies are used to provide paid internships for women pursuing a second chance at a life where they feel empowered, equipped and established as they learn skills that will open up new opportunities! Omega NW seeks to change lives one cup of coffee at a time! We welcome the opportunity to sit with each intern and offer encouragement through God’s Word. We partner with you, doing this life-changing work with YOUR support. Your partnership means so much! Thank you, in advance, for prayerfully considering coming alongside Omega NW in this endeavor to change lives and offer new beginnings!

