
A Woman’s Bridge to Change

Women from all walks of life struggle to find work and rebuild their lives. As a women’s resource in Portland, OR, Omega provides job placement, ongoing mentorship, and skill-building support through community partnerships.

What We Do

Hope & Healing for Women that Need it Most

Portland, Oregon, is home to thousands of women that find themselves more than just a little down on their luck every year. Addiction, homelessness, poor job history, incarceration, lack of education, and other hurdles can make the future appear hopeless and terrifying.

Omega is a beacon of hope among an ever-changing and often cruel world. As a women’s resource, we approach our interns with compassion and understanding. We are a nonprofit that provides the training and mentorship required for women in need to experience on-the-job success.

We help women rebuild their lives through trusted partnerships in the community. By working closely with local partnering businesses, we place women in paid internship positions and offer ongoing support, mentorship, and skill-building. Our mentorship program, combined with support from local partnering businesses, gives women the chance to build job skills and pursue a path of success.

Contribute to Omega


  • One-on-One Training
  • Skill-Building
  • Guidance & Support

Starting over begins with having the right people in your corner. No matter where your past has taken you, we believe every woman can regain a life worth living with the right tools & support. Our mentors guide you with understanding & grace.

Contribute to Omega providing hope in Portland, OR


  • Job Skills
  • Coping Strategies
  • Goal Setting

Mentorship is most effective when it includes practical, life-building skills you can carry with you. We help you build communication skills, problem-solving skills, & goal setting for job success.

Job Support

  • Paid Internship
  • On-the-Job Support
  • Resume Building

Through a combination of one-on-one mentorship and skill-building support, we help you succeed in ways that empower you & facilitate a bright future. We work with you and your employer in phases to ensure ongoing, on-the-job success.

Man walking on bridge

Omega Can Help

A Life Worth Living is Closer than You Think

Omega is a women’s resource network that accepts women of all races, religions, and backgrounds. If you are struggling to find employment due to addiction, homelessness, or other challenges, Omega offers practical assistance to build lifelong skills such as communication, punctuality, organization, and more.

We believe that through trusted guidance from mentors that have faced and overcome similar challenges, women can succeed. Cycles of violence, poverty, and incarceration can make it seem impossible to find a way out. Omega is a bridge for success that has already changed the lives of many women in Portland and surrounding areas.

Our Mission

Empowering women from a life of dependency to one of sustainability through employment opportunities, resulting in a hope filled future. Our founders know that once a woman knows she is truly loved, there is hope. We know that hope comes through the love and power found in Jesus Christ. Janna and Susie found lives worth living and pay it forward to those in need. Christ-centered philosophies guide our counseling, but we never require religion, faith, or certain doctrines on our interns.

We accept women of all religions, backgrounds, races, and ethnicities. Whether or not you are a Christian is not a factor in our selection process. However, if you are interested in learning more about how the unconditional love of Jesus Christ can help guide your journey, we are more than happy to offer counseling from this perspective.
